Sunday, December 13, 2015

How to Reduce Stress Throughout the Day

 How to reduce stress
Click here to watch my video

We've all have those moments when things get a bit too overwhelming for us. Those times when you feel there's not enough air in the room. You know what I mean. Let me tell you, your not alone! This year has kicked my butt severely. From getting a new place, to working overtime at my full time job, and planning for graduation, I have to admit I didn't think I was going to make it. Some of you probably have more on your plate, but I find that when I do the following throughout the day everything seems to balance out. 

1. Breathe

I don't know how to say this enough but finding the time to focus on your breathing really helps you focus and relieve stress. Somethings in the moment of completing our " to do list" when hold our breath in the process and that gets us tense and rigid. What I've done is find quiet spaces to just practice my breathing without having to worry about coworkers, family, or friends interrupting that moment. 

2. Drink Tea

Some of you are probably at your third cup of coffee by mid morning. That  was me a few years ago. i still love my cup of coffee, but I've limit myself to one great cup in the morning. I find that when I drink tea through out the day I'm more alert and effective. Coffee can make you anxious and jittery. That's not the mood you want to be in all day. If you want to be your best self, it's better to stay present. Tea has a soothing and calming affect. 

3. Laugh

Laughter has so much healing power. When I'm surrounded by friends, family, and people with good vibes  that has the power to lighten up a mood in any room. Focusing on a task so intently can reduce our creativity. Taking a break and getting your spirits up can help you get back to completing whatever it is you have to do much more efficiently. So go ahead take a break and smile. You deserve it. 

For the new year to come I hope you start incorporating these tips in your routine. Comment below on will you incorporate these tips into your daily routine and please share your techniques on what has helped you reduce your stress through out the day. 

Also let's stay connected and motivated.
Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Tumblr for more inspiration, motivation, and shenanigans. 

Those who know your name trust in you,
    for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 9:10
With love, 


Just in case you wanted to see the video

Friday, September 4, 2015

How To Stay Motivated


During my first years of college, I had such great momentum and I was ready to take the world. As life started throwing unexpected curve balls I had to restrategize. Working part time and focusing on school has always been top priority,  but when I had to start making my part time job to full time, things started getting difficult. As the years went by I've gotten use to multitasking and finding ways to stay focus and motivated for whatever changes may come my way. So I'm here to share with you what has helped me in hopes it does the same for you.

1. Set time to do more of what you love
 The more we get busy with daily tasks, we tend to lose ourselves in the process. Don't let that happen.

2. Surround yourself with people who keep it real and positive 
Good vibes bring good moods; so when your around the people you love that know you best, they can keep you motivated and push you towards your goal.

3. Love yourself more
Take time to get to know you and renew yourself; map out your likes, dislikes, and so on to keep you focus.

4. Find a Hobby
 If you feel bored or that your life is a bit routine, then pick up a hobby for yourself. Perfect time to see what your made of.
5. Set daily affirmations
Affirmations are motivational statements that help remind you of how great, talented, and strong you are. Sometimes we have to learn to encourage ourselves.

There's so much more I know I can share with you but those are the most consistent and effective tips that has helped me get through the good, bad, and  ugly. Keep moving and keep pushing. 

With Love❤️, 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Are you ready for this Semester?


Next semester is around the corner!! and it's time to get re-motivated to get moving and get going. It doesn't have to be as hard as everyone makes it out to be. Just taking the time to prepare can take the stress out a bit. Here's how: 

    Read the details and descriptions of the class your taking to make sure you grasp what's expected of you. Get your mind ready to ingest all the information; it helps in retaining the materials. 

     Don't wait until you get to class to get a copy of the syllabus. Try to obtain it yourself to start reviewing your course load. Getting a head start on what will be required if you can help you balance other areas of your life. 

    Start comparing prices online, at your local bookstore, and other surrounding bookstores. See what discounts you can get and which method works for you. When I choose all online classes, I find that the Nook or online versions are worth their price because of their flexibility. 

    Find out your professors best hours. Get proactive on developing a teacher and student relationship. Don't be lost in the crowd. Find out what times your professors are best available so you can get the help you need. 

      Please, please, please talk to your advisor. See which advisor is assigned to your and your program. They are a wealth of information to make sure your headed in the right track. Be proactive; plan your questions. 

  Be proactive in your future and create time for more of the things you love like family, friends, shopping, tumblr, etc. Failing because you didn't try hard enough is a terrible excuse. Know your priorities and plan accordingly. Stay focus and productive for this coming semester. 


*** If this motivated you to start a successful semester share the love with others and inspire them to get moving on a productive mode. Check out my other posts on starting a productive week***

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram for more inspiration and motivation to get things done @katlovanice.

Find me on Tumblr for other shenanigans.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Fruitful Mind

             What you think has the power of attracting what you get. Sometimes it's hard to let go, but it's beneficial for you in the long run. I know I have moments where no matter how proactive I can be, worry always seems to find a way. There are things that are beyond your control. Remember that life is a journey. Some days get harder then most, but you can overcome them. I've noticed when I keep in mind that life is a journey, I am able to remain at peace through hardest situations. Keep this tips in mind:

1. Stay positive
What they say is true "the company you keep is what feeds you". If you want to change your attitude or perspective , surround yourself with what brings out the best version of you. 

2. Let Go
Control is something I believe we all struggle with. Being productive means reminding yourself that things happen that are out of your boundaries. It also means that sometimes your boundaries will be stretched. Just let go. 

3. Ask for help
This is something that I still struggle with, but I've realized I must practice. Life is hard and you don't have to do it alone. 

With Love, 


Follow me on Instagram, twitter, tumblr, and pinterest for more motivation, tips, advice, and much more shenanigans.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Stay Focus and Productive

        Staying focus does not come easy for everyone..... Or it might just be me. When it comes time to getting things done,I can definitely get it done. Being productive is not the problem, but sometimes it's getting and staying in the zone. 

       I learned long ago that one of the keys to staying focus and productive is knowing what environment helps you thrive. For me, I know once I get going, I may lose myself. That commonly happens for people who are passionate.... ( or obsessed) about what they are pouring themselves into. Unfortunately, there will be times where you won't enjoy or be passionate about what you must get done. Leaving it to the last minute when you absolutely have to get it done is not the best strategy either ( I hear the cringe of procrastinators everywhere).  Here are a few things to consider that can help you find your focus zone: 


The mood your in can help determine how much energy you put into the task your tackling. For example, if I'm too excited, I can't get anything done. My energy level needs to be neutral. If too much ideas are flowing in my mind, I lose the purpose and a simple sociology paper turns into a science fiction horror film.  


Depending on the task your doing, if a specific view or environment  helps you to stay focus go for it. I love being outside. When my professors would lecture outside that was heaven. So of course, when I could tackle on online classes I went to the park for that. Nature is my thriving field (trees make me happy). Same for house chores;  all my windows would be left open. 


Are you a person who enjoys total silence? Do you like background music?There are studies out there that will tell why either is good or bad. I think it's whatever floats your boat. Find what works for you. At the end of the day just get it done. 

Keep in mind that not everything you do will allow you to modify your environment. Some workplaces are open cubicle settings with strict no music policy. Or classroom style final exams with limited window options. For situations like those, prepare your mind before hand by getting in the mood that helps you thrive.

know there are many ways out there to help get things done when they need to be done or (before hand).  Let me know what other techniques or tips that help you stay focus. Feel free to share. Knowledge is power and sharing is caring :)

Also don't forget to follow me on Twitter, pinterest, and Tumblr for more tips and advice.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Let Go of Fear

     There are moments in life where we allow our past and future to collide in such a way that cripples us in fear. 

      I hope you take a moment and not only recall the bad circumstances and experiences but the moves and miracles that led you to overcome them. 

       Take heart and persevere. Don't let your doubts and that of others hold you down.  Aspire and inspire yourself and others. Success is just a perspective away. 


KatLovanice :D

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Tips to a Productive week


Every week has its ups and downs. Sometimes your fired up, then other times your ready to recruit iron man to handle a few nuisances....(let's be honest). Whatever the case may be, here are three prepping tips for the week  that have helped me knock-out the week productively :

#1 Plan your week

        Taking a moment to jot down what your goals are for the week puts things in perspective. You have the big picture in mind, so you just have to break it down into smaller tasks to make it happen. If you don't take time to plan what you want or need accomplished, you'll be stressing about things that happen throughout the day that has nothing to do with your goal.

         I can get distracted very easily when I get bombarded and interrupted from what I was focused on. It helps to lay it all out. We live in a time where everything seems to be urgent. They may be....just not on the same level of urgency as others may perceive it to be. 

#2 Prepare your meals

           Meal prepping is a great way to take charge of your week as well as your health. You don't have to be in a diet to start portion controlling and just monitoring what you eat. Health should be a top priority in everyone's life. People do take notice on how you take care of yourself. You've probably heard this before  "how you treat you is how others will treat you". There is so much truth to that. Choosing healthy power foods for the week can boost your energy and positivity level. Also, not only can meal prepping have great health benefits, it can help you manage your budget as well.

            Knowing what your going to eat helps in keeping track of where your money goes. If you work for company that likes to go out eat frequently, then skip prepping meals for work and prep it for home so that you can focus on other important tasks. 

#3 Organize the outfits

        As much as I love fashion and turning heads. I still like planning what I want my week to look and feel like. What you wear can also show what you feel. Don't underestimate the power of a well put together outfit. If your workplace provide a uniform then it makes life that much easier. It might be a drab for those who want to strut in power pumps all day at work, but you can turn any company uniform into your own....That is another post on it's own.

      I'm not saying everything will turn out exactly how you planned, but knowing I can hit the snooze button a little longer is great motivation for me. I have days where half is spent at work and half is spent in school. I am currently full-time student and full time employee, its important that the outfits I choose are ready for both settings. For example for long days like these, I try to avoid light clothing and blouses with collards to decrease visibility of make up, food, and other stains that may occur.

      I hope it places things in perspective for you. I know I remember the days where I can count on my mom waking me up with homemade waffles or professors providing reminders for assignments, but those days are gone.  Fortunately, I've come to love planning and organizing. It allows me to find time to do things I enjoy like dinner with my family, yoga at the beach with friends, or scroll endlessly on tumblr for fashion inspiration. Hope these tips inspire you to start taking control of your path to success.